Saturday, January 29, 2011

No Cape Needed

Superman, Wonder Woman, George Washington, Martian Luther King Jr., most people would consider these extraordinary people and fictional characters heroes. With all the great people in this world, it can sometimes be confusing who you should look up to. I admire those who fought for independence and stood up for what they believed in to better the world, but my hero remains someone less known by the world.
I have been blessed by three wonderful sisters and good parents, but one sister in particular has always been my hero. My sister Caitlin consistently stays a sturdy example to me. From heart break in high school to the death of loved ones, she always manages to stay true to her beliefs and standards. It would be a lie to say she obtains perfection all the time, but because she constantly does what she feels to be right, regardless of what others think, she will always remain the strongest person I know.
Ever since the day I was thrown into her world, Caitlin and I have been best friends. We go further than just good sisters to actual friends who spend time with each other outside of our home. I have many memories of us going out to the movies or going up north together. The four year age difference mean nothing to us; we treat each other like equals. She never puts herself above me nor looks down on me for being naive and completely blonde. I can always consult her about my problems. She has a way of helping me realize my difficulties are normal and not the end of the world without belittling me. Even when she moved away to college before I entered high school, she still made it possible to be there for me when I needed her, no matter the distance between us.
Caitlin knows how to be kind and considerate, but she also knows when to be firm and sometimes use force to make me see reason. Recently I called her almost in tears over a petty problem over high school drama. She gave me her sympathy but eventually had to resort to being tough before I realized how melodramatic I was being. Caitlin told me what she thought I should do but ultimately left the decision up to me. She is never rude, but she knows when the time for giving pity is over.
I will never cease to be amazed by her endless patience. Caitlin has somehow mastered the quality I have struggled with my entire life. When we were children, she always put up with my incessant talking and immaturity, but in return I found myself constantly loosing patience with her over the smallest and most insignificant things. Even today I am ashamed to admit that I often act irritant to her and others that I love. I can not remember a single time she lost her temper with me unless I seriously deserved it and many times not even then.
My best friend now lives hours away, married. For a time the distance appeared so melancholy, as she seemed hopelessly out of my reach. It nearly broke my heart to see her going away only to finally belong to someone else. Despite us being apart, I have never once felt neglected or without her guidance in my life. To this day, not once has she said she is too busy to talk to me or to listen to my problems.
Wars go on, celebrities are made, and new idols are formed, but I never doubt who I look up to the most. She doesn't need to parade around in a cape and a mask to save lives; she saves my life everyday simply through her example. No matter what I go through, what I lose or what I gain, my sister will forever remain my hero.

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